Tim Segaller
Coach & Trainer Amateur Creative Sometimes Funny Bloke
Friends in the Frame - Dzidek
‘In Chinese medicine I’m the fire dragon. Something that’s said about them is that their whole life is about understanding.’

Dzidek has a great love of learning. Indeed, what matters most in life for him is understanding and knowledge, ‘starting from simple objects, computers and phones … but ultimately about how the mind works’. The human mind fascinates him, and understanding it takes on a spiritual dimension for him. He sees that its power points to how we are all part of one great source: ‘We are all a higher power. Without it we wouldn't be able to do anything or exist.’
Learning is not just a rarefied intellectual exercise for him, though – he loves mastering practical skills, particularly in his work in e-learning and computer technology. He’s also an accomplished pianist. His favourite film, The Legend of 1900 (about a pianist born on a ship that he eventually goes down with), is significant here: ‘It’s about mastering a skill and expressing yourself, and it’s about connection.’
Dzidek recognises that life is indeed ‘all about connection … the closer I am to people the more I feel alive and well.’ As a friend, I’ve always found his desire for real connection and closeness delightful. It’s also evident in the great emphasis he places on family – his wife, and his parents. And he sees his Dad as more than just a parent: ‘He is my hero, as he fought against communists [in Poland] when I was growing up … but it’s also because of how he is as a father. He’s given so much of himself.’
The importance of family runs deep for Dzidek: ‘There are hundreds of generations of great people in my family, behind me, backing me up.’ This sense of ancestry perhaps explains his strong desire to have his own family, which he sees as an act of service: ‘It means transcending my own small personal goals, and giving into this bigger vision.’ I wish for Dzidek that his vision becomes a reality.
How I know Dzidek
Dzidek and I met initially at the London Buddhist Centre, but know each other properly through a men’s group I set up in 2012 – there are four of us who meet up every fortnight to check in with each other, and share what’s going on in our lives. It’s a great way to get to know someone very well, warts and all. Three of us went on a holiday together to Cyprus (Dzidek, Seyfi and I), and had a lot of fun together. What I most appreciate in Dzidek is his sense of play and adventure, along with what he calls an ‘allergy to bullshit’ – he seeks the truth.