Tim Segaller
Coach & Trainer Amateur Creative Sometimes Funny Bloke
Guided Meditations
The guided meditations here accompany my book 'The ABC guide to mindfulness' (available on Amazon), a teach-yourself course on getting more from life through kindly awareness. It can also be used as the framework for one-to-one mindfulness coaching and training with me to explore issues that you'd like to make some changes around - in your work or personal life.
"After being so inspired following a course with Tim, the books expands on the practices of awareness to help live life more fully. If I'd found this many years ago I may have had a very different happier life. Not at all new agey, just practical help to think more clearly and being aware." Jen
“I did Tim’s course at the start of the year and was compelled to buy his book and I was not disappointed. Tim was a calm thoughtful teacher and he has an obvious passion for mindfulness which is transmitted through his teaching. Tim teaches how to move from reacting to responding to difficulty. His ABC way of working simplifies the mindfulness process and makes it accessible. This adds to your toolbox for resilience and creates greater self-awareness.” Imtaz